How hard can it be to do a drawing a day for 31 days? Actually.. it turned out to be quite a challenge I won't lie.

Inktober is a challenge on Instagram by Jake Parker and has been going for a good few years.

Every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month.

This is not as easy as it looks #

Things started well, with great enthusiasm each day. It started to become apparant after a while that fitting in a drawing when you have a job and kids.. and commitments.. etc was going to be hard.

Some of the days I was really pleased, others it was more keeping things going and as the days went on the thought of missing a day became unthinkable.

You made it! Good job buddy :) #

I managed the month, and it really inspired me to push on with my illustration and try and develop a style once and for all. Time to think of my own challenge to take me through to the new year.